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Australian Sports Commission

Concussion in Australian Sport

Concussion affects athletes at all levels of sport from the part-time recreational athlete through to the full-time professional

Information for Athletes

The AIS believes it is important that athletes are equipped with the knowledge and tools to help them have a long and healthy sporting career.

This is why the AIS Concussion and Brain Health Position Statement 2024 has been expanded to provide information and resources for female athletes and para-athletes and athletes with disabilities.

The following resources have been designed to provide an athlete’s voice on concussion in sport.

The athletes below have shared their real-life experiences to share what it is like to go through the diagnosis and treatment of concussion.

It is important to remember every concussion is different and if in doubt, sit them out.


Anabelle Smith

Emily Hamilton-Smith

Maddy Proud

Marianna Tolo

Rachael Lynch

Sam Carter

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"There is no such thing as a good concussion, and we need to be concerned about each concussion and manage each concussion seriously."

Dr David Hughes, AIS Chief Medical Officer

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